May 2021
Dear Friends of Courage,
Courage exists to advance the world’s understanding of institutional courage and institutional betrayal through rigorous scientific research, wide-reaching education, and data-driven action – with the goal to create more accountable, effective, and equitable institutions for everyone. A key part of our mission is thus to generate scientific research exploring and probing institutional courage, institutional betrayal, DARVO, and other related areas. Some of our current research priorities are outlined in our Knowledge Base and Research Priorities section of the Courage website.
Earlier this month, we took a significant step toward embarking on this research-generating part of our mission with the introduction of a research grants program. With great excitement, we launched the 2021 Institutional Courage Research Grant, an opportunity for researchers to propose exciting, novel projects related to institutional courage and our other target areas. More details about the grant program are here; we are accepting letters of intent until June 15th. Please forward this opportunity to those you think would be interested or consider submitting a proposal yourself.
Nurturing new research is one of my favorite activities, bringing me great pleasure and pride. The Courage Team and I very much look forward to reviewing proposals and funding impactful new research. This grant program would not be possible without the generous support of you and other Friends of Courage. As an organization, we are continuing to build our capacity to change the world. Please support Courage today with a donation of any size to help us continue to grow and achieve our mission.
I’m also proud that in this issue of The Courage Brief, Education Advisor Kim Scott is interviewed by Board Secretary Dr. Lisa Schievelbein. Kim discusses how her new book, Just Work, and the concepts of institutional courage and institutional betrayal intersect, and how they are vital to building effective, equitable workplaces. I expect you will greatly enjoy this timely and important piece.
Thank you for being with us on this journey, and with appreciation,
Jennifer Freyd
Founder and President, Center for Institutional Courage
May 2021
Spotlight: Kim Scott, MBA
Q: Someone asks you in passing, “What’s your book about?”
Just Work is about creating workplaces where people can do their very best work -- where people can freely collaborate with respect. Yet, we all know that a lot of workplaces aren’t like that. This book is an effort to break down the problem of workplace injustice, so we can solve it. I look at six component parts -- bias, prejudice, bullying, discrimination, harassment, and physical violations -- that make institutional betrayal all too likely.
Q: How does Just Work relate to institutional courage?
As I see it, institutional courage is present when leaders do the right thing in addressing workplace injustice, even if it’s difficult or costly in the short term. I believe that what is right and what is effective over the long term are usually well aligned. The conflict usually comes between what is moral and what is expedient for short-term profits. But in the long run, injustice doesn’t pay. It does take courage to create a Just Work climate, yet I also see it as enlightened self-interest. Institutions that are courageous will get the most out of their people and, ultimately, get results.
Q. You see power as key to institutional courage -- say more?
Yes, and more specifically -- limiting power. I think that leaders often try to optimize for their own control, rather than creating a just system. It takes courage to give up that control, and replace it with efficient checks and balances. To be clear, I’m not talking about substituting unilateral authority for a climate of consensus building. That’s not efficient. Nobody hates bureaucracy more than me, and even a good process can take on a life of its own. So you have to keep scraping the barnacles off your process so it doesn’t slow you down more than it needs to.
Q: What might these checks and balances look like in practice?
For example, institutions should reject the abuse of NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) and forced arbitration. They should remove any unilateral authority to hire, fire, promote, and dictate compensation and bonuses. They should routinely analyze compensation data that is cut by gender and race, measure the bias, and correct for it.
Q: We at Courage primarily focus on the institutional opportunity to remedy and prevent sexual violence. How does your book address this topic?
I talk about creating a culture of consent. The pandemic has actually given us a great opportunity to get this right. For example, a lot of people don’t want to shake hands anymore. So if you want to shake someone’s hand, the onus is on you to learn -- and respect -- that person’s wishes. If we start with a handshake, we can hopefully influence these bigger issues of bodily autonomy. Leaders also need to fix three institutional problems that compound the harm of sexual violence. One: there’s not a trusted mechanism to report it; Two: investigations are often tilted to find that there was no harm; and Three: even if they do find evidence of harm, they don’t actually punish the perpetrator!
Q: What gives you hope as an educator?
I’m optimistic about the number of leaders who care about workplace injustice and want to get this right. I credit the Black Lives Matter and MeToo movements for raising awareness and motivating leaders to tackle these issues head-on. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this book about what you’re motivated to do to spark more courage in the institutions you care about.
Courage in Action: March - May 2021
Jennifer M. Gómez: Gender, campus sexual violence, cultural betrayal, institutional betrayal, and institutional support in U.S. ethnic minority college students: A descriptive study.
Sasha Shen Johfre, Aliya Saperstein, and Jill A. Hollenbach: Measuring Race and Ancestry in the Age of Genetic Testing
Jennifer M. Gómez, Annmarie Caño, & Boris Baltes: Who are we missing? Examining the Graduate Record Examination quantitative score as a barrier to admission into psychology doctoral programs for capable ethnic minorities.
Jennifer M. Gómez mentioned: MPSI Faculty Member Wins Stanford University Fellowship.
Join Us and Support Courage
With your help, Courage can conduct groundbreaking scientific research and share what we learn with the world. Together, we can make institutional courage a reality. Courage is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization, and your donation is deductible within the limits set by the IRS.
Kim Scott is on the Education Advisory Committee of the Center for Institutional Courage. She is the author of Just Work: Get Sh*t Done, Fast and Fair, as well as Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity. She was a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter, and other tech companies, a faculty member at Apple University, and a leader at AdSense, YouTube, and DoubleClick teams at Google.
In this Spotlight, Board Secretary Lisa Schievelbein chats with Kim about her brand-new book, Just Work, and its link to institutional courage. This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.