The Institutional Courage Research Grants


The Center for Institutional Courage is proud to announce the 2025 Institutional Courage Research Grant. The goal of this grant program is to fund research on institutional courage and institutional betrayal, with a particular interest in funding previously unstudied institutions and/or marginalized populations.

Courage grants are made possible by the generous support of Courage’s donors and supporters. Please see our Research Priorities, and list of previous grants funded, for current research questions that are high priority for Courage and examples of topics funded in our last cycle. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather for applicants’ benefit in crafting their proposals. We highly recommend applicants also review our Comprehensive Database of Studies on Institutional Betrayal & Courage as well as Published Research and Analysis Funded by the Center for Institutional Courage to learn more about what research has been published and gaps for further exploration.



About the Center for Institutional Courage:

The Center for Institutional Courage is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) institution dedicated to advancing the world’s understanding of institutional courage and institutional betrayal through rigorous scientific research, wide-reaching education, and data-driven action – with the goal to create more accountable, effective, and equitable institutions for everyone.

Deadline for Application:

May 1, 2025


Applicants must be either graduate students or doctoral-level researchers affiliated with an accredited higher educational institution in the United States. Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early-career researchers/faculty are especially encouraged to apply.


Applicants may request funding up to $5,000. Funds may be used for a variety of direct research-related costs, including participant compensation, data collection or analyses expenses, etc. Funds may NOT be used for investigator salary, conference travel, indirect costs, etc. Research with global, cultural, and cross-cultural perspectives and populations is especially encouraged.

Applicants must submit an application by May 1, 2025. Following review of the application, funding decisions will be announced in July 2025.

The full grant proposal must include the following in a single document (not to exceed eight pages, one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced). Note: Please include all materials in the order listed below in a single PDF document

  • Title

  • Author(s) with institutional affiliation and title

  • Specific aims (e.g., research questions, hypotheses)

  • Significance and impact

  • Relevant background/literature review 

  • Methods, including a statement that you will follow your institution’s IRB requirements (one sentence should suffice). Also provide details about recruitment and how selection criteria–including self-selection–may limit generalization of findings, with commentary on how to mitigate this to the extent possible.

  • Anticipated results

  • Timeline of project, including IRB application/approval, data collection, analyses, dissemination (e.g., manuscripts, conference presentation), and study completion.

  • Budget: please indicate whether you are applying for a cross-sectional or longitudinal award. Additionally, if more funds are needed beyond the funds you may be awarded from Courage, discuss your plan for procuring those funds. Include the consequences to the research should you be unable to procure additional funding.

  • Reference list

Additionally, in all sections where relevant, clarify the connection to Courage’s concepts and, where possible, use Courage’s survey measures/instruments. This page might be helpful:

Note: Please include all materials in the order above. Investigator name and project title should be at the top left of the first page.

Application requirements:

Proposals that fail to meet the guidelines described above will not be reviewed. 

Where to Apply

Please submit all application materials through this link.

Do not submit applications through your university’s sponsored programs office; rather, investigators must submit the application directly via the link above.

Questions? Contact us.